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When you have art to do a breath test.
  fecha de alta: 2018-02-21 categoria:Humor > Humor
There are people who have a nartural talent to overcome any situation, however committed it may be. That s what happens to our Asian friend, who meets the requirement to perform a breathalyser at the wheel of his car, without losing at any time the composure. About the result of the control we do not have news although the forecasts are not optimistic.
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World drunk. Semifinal. Dubbed by Korah.
  fecha de alta: 2017-11-29 categoria:Humor > Humor
The World Championship of Ebrios is disputed and Palomo Lama tells us live the semifinal round in which the Spanish Jose Luis looks for his pass to the final entering a shop and managing to buy quickly and cleanly. The task is not simple and Spanish will have to use it thoroughly to achieve its classification. Lets see if he gets it.
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When you finally say goodbye to that job you hate.
  fecha de alta: 2017-10-30 categoria:Humor > Humor
This young man shows up at his job to deliver his uniform and finally say goodbye. For the dance that is marked, it gives the sensation that for a long time it is something that awaits with anxiety. We must admit that the guy is nice and that his dance even cool.
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Pawning a potato in the Pawnshop, by Korah.
  fecha de alta: 2017-09-26 categoria:Humor > Humor
We have already seen many videos dubbed by Korah, but we do not get tired of laughing with their occurrences. Here we have a guy who is going to pawn a potato to the famous Las Empeños House in Las Vegas that we see regularly on television. The surreal story of the million dollar potato adorned with the fun old dub.
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I assure you, you ve never seen anyone remove their pants like this.
  fecha de alta: 2017-09-15 categoria:Humor > Humor
It seems that this young man does not need to prepare in excess to do some exercises in the fixed bar. He arrives, climbs and delights us with a few rarely seen. Maybe over time this will become an effective way to get undressed when you arrive on Saturday night at home.
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Five kisses to the girl anywhere on the body, if you kiss the rival flag. Very good.
  fecha de alta: 2017-09-15 categoria:Humor > Humor
The CQC humor program of Chile, travels to Uruguay where the local football team faces Argentina. Once there they propose a challenge to the spectators who go to see the game, if they kiss the Chilean flag, they can kiss up to five times the exuberant girl in the place of the body that they wish. Do not miss the surprise.
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The best fails in water slides of 2017.
  fecha de alta: 2017-08-31 categoria:Humor > Humor
Summer and warmth always encourage us to look for fun in all activities around the water, but there are many occasions when they can be very treacherous. Here we leave you a compilation of videos with the most fun failures of this year when the time comes for the water slide.
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The best makeup tutorial you will see with this 4 year old girl. Great.
  fecha de alta: 2017-07-28 categoria:Humor > Humor
Here we have Nevaeh, a nice 4 year old girl who will give you some valuable tips on how to use makeup if you want to appear divine. The small one handles all type of paintings and potings with mastery until finishing its work. Finally there are some setbacks that will be adjusted with a little more practice.
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When you think you are very agile and you really are an idiot.
  fecha de alta: 2017-07-05 categoria:Humor > Humor
This guy has had a brilliant idea and is willing to do it. It is about jumping over a scooter that runs towards it at full speed. So a priori seems an interesting exercise, but when it gets to practice, it makes evident how silly we are sometimes humans. Look at the blow that both geniuses stick together.
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The Olympic womens rowing team. Do not miss it!!
  fecha de alta: 2017-06-28 categoria:Humor > Humor
Its wonderful to see how these four girls train on this rowing boat without a helmsman, although perhaps they should hire one. There is no denying that the girls are struggling to find a way out of the problem that has been presented to them, but it seems that the ability does not accompany them generously. I have serious doubts that we will see them compete in the next Olympics.
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Fun fails from tourists. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2017-06-28 categoria:Humor > Humor
When we go on vacation we hope that we always have nice and funny things, but things do not always happen as we planned. Here we leave you a compilation of funny videos in which we see several people in situations compromised during their vacations.
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The last survivor in Australia doubled by Korah. Very good.
  fecha de alta: 2017-06-13 categoria:Humor > Humor
Get ready to laugh for a while. Bear Grylls returns with the last survivor in Australia to face once again all the challenges that wild nature gives him. That said is not that it is very funny thing, but if the video dubbing is on Korah s account, everything changes. As I am amused with the dubbing of this type.
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Sincerity is not always the best. Jose Mota.
  fecha de alta: 2017-05-31 categoria:Humor > Humor
A fun sketch by Jose Mota that describes in a way what we want in these situations. When I visit the doctor, everyone wants me to tell him clearly how he really is, but the truth is that this is because we always expect good news but, what if they were not so good? Here you have a good solution.
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Mom do not move while I teach a trick with the ball. Epic Fail.
  fecha de alta: 2017-05-18 categoria:Humor > Humor
The truth is that the child is already old enough for these games, but the mother is seen to have confidence in the little one. Or rather, I had confidence, because I do not think that he will again participate in the challenges of his son. That said, you can go shopping for other glasses and a little ointment for your bruise.
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The most fun fails doing yoga.
  fecha de alta: 2017-04-28 categoria:Humor > Humor
Yoga is generally a quiet and quiet activity, but sometimes the circumstances that surround it make it one of the funniest moments of the day. Of course doing yoga is not as simple as it seems, and even less when we do it surrounded by other external elements.
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Pretend a ridiculous disability to avoid a fine.
  fecha de alta: 2017-04-25 categoria:Humor > Humor
This surreal scene happened in San Sebastian, Spain. This man parks his car in a handicapped place and the agents put a stump in the wheel to immobilize him. When the guy realizes he pretends in a ridiculous way an inability to get rid of the penalty. I do not think hes going to get lucky.
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The most epic call in a contest of those ugly television.
  fecha de alta: 2017-04-18 categoria:Humor > Humor
Today we recovered a classic. Do not stop watching these 9 minutes of video because youre going to die of laughter. The call of Maruja to one of those callous contests of television that give money (little) to hit I do not know that thing. The story is that Maruja becomes a mess between the phone and the TV delay, but she insists and stoically holds. The hair is the hair.
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If you thought you had a bad day, look at these people.
  fecha de alta: 2017-04-04 categoria:Humor > Humor
Surely it has happened to you that you have one of those days when everything starts badly and makes you want to go back to bed. Here are some examples at different times in life, when things go wrong. At least you can have a laugh with those other peoples moments.
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Two twin babies perfectly mimic the Frozen strings.
  fecha de alta: 2017-04-04 categoria:Humor > Humor
Observe how perfect they imitate these babies to the characters of the movie Frozen while watching it on television. Its amazing how they sync with the scenes with, how small the children are. I can not imagine how many times they have seen the popular Disney movie.
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Top 10 Employees of the month.
  fecha de alta: 2017-03-30 categoria:Humor > Humor
It is customary for many companies to regularly highlight the best employee of the month. Here we will see a very curious ranking of the best employees of the month of each company with its good dose of irony. You are going to have fun with the work methods that some of these employees have.
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When two years you confuse a heater with a robot.
  fecha de alta: 2017-03-29 categoria:Humor > Humor
The blessed innocence of children. This little one finds himself with this abandoned water heater on the street and thinks he is a friendly robot. The girl is excited and says pretty things like: I love you robot. Now the mother will have a job if she wants to take her daughter s new friend home.
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When you think of a ninja but unfortunately you are not.
  fecha de alta: 2017-03-29 categoria:Humor > Humor
Surely much of the guilt of this compilation of scenes has its origin in the cinema, but nowadays are many who feel like a ninja in a movie martial arts and shortly after discover that it was just an illusion. The discovery of truth is usually hard.
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When you enjoy a puddle even if your grandmother gets angry.
  fecha de alta: 2017-03-15 categoria:Humor > Humor
I do not know that they have puddles that makes them so seductive for little kids. They see a puddle full of water and there they run. That is what happens to our protagonist, who enjoys a good dip while his grandmother tries to stop him and gets more and more furious. Anyway, the little one has enjoyed like nobody else.
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The funniest fails of drunks on St. Patricks Day.
  fecha de alta: 2017-03-14 categoria:Humor > Humor
St. Patricks Day is approaching and as a good Irish holiday it is celebrated with a scandalous amount of beer. These are some of the most fun situations that happen that day during the celebrations. The thousands of liters of beer that are consumed leave us scenes like these.
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Best heavy pranks. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2017-02-28 categoria:Humor > Humor
There are some especially heavy jokes in which everyone laughs less the protagonist. Here we are going to leave a good example with videos of those situations in which the relatives or friends give the best of themselves to make a fool of you and make you have a bad time.
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Great conversation of two babies by videoconference.
  fecha de alta: 2017-02-17 categoria:Humor > Humor
This pleasant conversation by videoconference between two babies is being one of the sensations of this Friday. The breasts of the children put them in contact through FaceTime and the little ones do not miss the opportunity to communicate. I ve always wondered if babies are able to understand each other in their peculiar language.
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When playing with a stick causes a headache ... to your friend.
  fecha de alta: 2017-02-07 categoria:Humor > Humor
It seems that these guys have invented a game in which they try to hit a log in the middle of a mud puddle. The dynamics of the game is quite simple but never lacking the perfectionist friend who tries to give a more interesting turn to the game. And hey, give it to him.
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Funny kids fails. Compilation 2016.
  fecha de alta: 2017-02-07 categoria:Humor > Humor
Here we leave you this fun compilation of videos where the protagonists are the children. These crazy little ones who always come up with strange things and make us laugh out loud. Enjoy a good time with this compilation of Vine videos.
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Julius shaves his eyebrows and his mother solves it this way...
  fecha de alta: 2017-02-06 categoria:Humor > Humor
This child has had the brilliant idea of shaving his eyebrows and his mom has decided to solve this mishap with the help of a marker. The result does not seem ideal but the mother has much fun with the scene and the reaction of Julius. The little one seems not very happy with the solution.
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The more fun fails on farms. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2017-01-26 categoria:Humor > Humor
Whenever there are videos with animals there are amusing scenes. Here we leave you a collection of nice moments that happen on the farms when people get into trouble with the animals. It is good to see how the most abusers are harmed.
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Fun setbacks at the amusement park.
  fecha de alta: 2017-01-26 categoria:Humor > Humor
The amusement park is always a place of entertainment and diversion, although in many of the occasions who have more fun is who is limited to see what others do. Here we leave you a compilation of videos with all kinds of nice scenes.
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The funniest viral dubs 12.
  fecha de alta: 2017-01-18 categoria:Humor > Humor
We bring you another video with a compilation of funny dubbing of the hand of the channel of Kora. The truth is that the dubbing is very successful and they make you laugh for a while. Enjoy with this issue number 12.
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When you drop the boobs in the middle of the performance.
  fecha de alta: 2017-01-07 categoria:Humor > Humor
The saying goes, that everything that glitters is not gold. This was what was discovered in the middle of the performance of this DJ. Excited by the party atmosphere, the girl lets herself go and jump more than her appearance can withstand. Here you have it all for music, even your boobies.
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The worst friends of 2016. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2016-12-21 categoria:Humor > Humor
When you have friends like these, who needs enemies? This is very common among groups of friends, sometimes there are circumstances where everyone laughs but one. Heavy jokes are a constant in these environments and the one you get is annoying.
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When instant karma visits you. Compilation 2016.
  fecha de alta: 2016-12-15 categoria:Humor > Humor
The best moments of instant karma we have seen during the year 2016 in a video of 7 minutes. These comforting scenes in which the destination punishes the characters that made a bad action or of dubious taste. We love to see as the karma is charged its particular revenge.
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Tremendous slap that takes a youtuber by insulting the people.
  fecha de alta: 2016-12-12 categoria:Humor > Humor
This is what can happen to you when you are looking for an income mode through a YouTube channel while you disrespect people. The protagonist says that he has submitted a complaint to the aggressor, but it seems that the video that has been edited in his sound and actually insults more than once. I have seen that this pocholo likes to be popular and is dedicated to record videos watching the reaction of the people while insulting them, so that he had enough luck so far. After listening to the video I think it would fit well into the program: Your face sounds to me.
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Best girls fails in 2016.
  fecha de alta: 2016-12-08 categoria:Humor > Humor
The year ends and the compilations of more fun videos arrive. On this occasion we leave the best videos with failures of women who are willing to delight us with their things. A good variety of blows, falls and other failures carried out by the females in 2016.
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Never celebrate victory early. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2016-11-09 categoria:Humor > Humor
Here we leave you a fun compilation of scenes that sometimes happen in the competitions and that leave in ridiculous their protagonists. This is what happens when you celebrate a victory before it is consumed. You re going to have a laugh with these videos.
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The most graceful doubles 11.
  fecha de alta: 2016-11-07 categoria:Humor > Humor
It seems that people really like these videos with nice voice dubs, so here we leave this new compilation of funny videos with the popular dubbing that is becoming viral on the Internet. Sorry for those who do not understand Spanish.
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Fails drunk at parties. Compilation.
  fecha de alta: 2016-11-02 categoria:Humor > Humor
It is common for people at parties spend a little drinking and there is never quein offers some memorable time. When that time comes, the falls are often protagonists and ridiculous about is the fun of others. Sure on occasion you have been in a scene how are you.
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