Videos of Humor

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The highly contagious laugh this child in the class.
  upload date: 2016-07-29 thematic: Humor
Do not miss the laughter so contagious and hysterical that has this child in the middle of his class. Esel time to sing and little seems to love it when her teacher ends the verse of the song and some nice breaks into laughter. It gives good vibes to see someone so happy.
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When you throw a concert on the public and there is not.
  upload date: 2016-07-28 thematic: Humor
The truth is so cool pounce on the public in the heat of a concert and navigate on the arms of those present. But there is something you should always keep in mind, you have the public where you jump, but epic moment will live as I lived like this young man, at the Mighty Sounds festival in the Czech Republic.
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When the dream is capable of overcoming hunger of a baby.
  upload date: 2016-07-28 thematic: Humor
Children are not programmed to support very sleepy, so when Morfeo visit them, can not but surrender to, however much they like what they have in hand. Even the best dish is able to keep awake to these little ones.
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The funny babies in the world. Compilation.
  upload date: 2016-07-25 thematic: Humor
If you think funny babies you ll love this collection with 10 minutes of videos with funny scenes of babies. Their reactions are as unexpected as charming. The faces of children are a poem. Get ready to enjoy a good time.
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Motorcycling Grand Prix jungle.
  upload date: 2016-07-24 thematic: Humor
Spectacular piloting these two monkeys mounted on a wild boar. Of course they not lack style and looks that your machine will power well. Begin to tremble Valentino Rossi and company because they get new riders to World Championship.
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Funny anecdotes with marker spray football referees.
  upload date: 2016-07-22 thematic: Humor
Since the arrival of the marker football spray used by umpires to indicate the distance of the barrier in free kicks, no shortage of funny scenes in the courts. Here we leave a compilation that includes some of the best moments in these situations where this spray is used.
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When your mother is angry, no periscope or ostias.
  upload date: 2016-07-20 thematic: Humor
These two teenagers are emitting through the periscope application, when suddenly appears enraged the mother of one of them and snatches the phone. Apparently the mother was watching the broadcast presence and scenes inappropriate for girls and bristled. These are some of delicate leaves us losmomentos technology. The best are the comments of other users of the broadcast.
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When you jump from the top of the fountain in San Fermin and nobody grabs.
  upload date: 2016-07-15 thematic: Humor
Admittedly, the festival of San Fermin are degenerating a little but still leave us moments like this. It has become a custom that people jump from the source of the Navarreria and those who are down slow down their fall. But this does not always work out. Some come up with emotion, but the sound of the blow, this should be in the hospital.
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When you do not find the fork and is it in your hand.
  upload date: 2016-07-11 thematic: Humor
This is something that we all do sometime. The boy asks his mom fork to eat. For more mom asks where is the point of saying he does not know. Even his sister intervened unsuccessfully in the conversation. Until finally the mom says exactly where your fork. Look at his face with joy at finding the missing fork.
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What size must have the parking of this woman so she can park?
  upload date: 2016-07-08 thematic: Humor
Here we have this woman trying by all means to park your car on a street in Dortmund, Germany. The task is not easy although in the square could park a bus. After 6 long minutes, it seems that women could not fulfill its mission. That frustrating.
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Hidden Camera dog with three heads.
  upload date: 2016-07-07 thematic: Humor
Here we leave one of the usual hidden cameras preparing in Brazil. This time it trarta a dog with three heads that surprises people during their night walks. I have the feeling that some scenes are fakes, but not all. The size of the puppy is not scary.
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When you are very idle.
  upload date: 2016-07-04 thematic: Humor
At the end of the day we all go through that stage where we are bored and any excuse to keep us entertained for a while. Thats what happens to my cat when he sits on the couch and tv puts nothing interesting. As he always tells me, this is the advantage of having a tail.
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When your dog stops you live the glorious time of year.
  upload date: 2016-07-04 thematic: Humor
Sometimes it happens that you carefully plan your presence in a place to enjoy a unique event, but do not think your 4-legged best friend can spoil it completely. I understand the poor puppy scared to previous explosions. The dog was not at all interested in the demolition of a building.
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Do not forget to close the sunroof of your car at the carwash.
  upload date: 2016-06-29 thematic: Humor
This woman with her children is preparing to wash your car happily in a carwash, but unfortunately forgot to close the top window. You will soon realize their mistake and finally, for the same price, wash the interior and exterior of your car, plus his own clothes.
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A girl taking blood or performing an exorcism?
  upload date: 2016-06-25 thematic: Humor
There are people who have real dread of needles and it observes this case. It is the first time you draw blood this girl and this really terrified. By the cries, it is difficult to know if the nurse is trying to prick to draw blood or if it is performing an exorcism.
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This dog stands eating hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  upload date: 2016-06-25 thematic: Humor
It seems that this border collie had some balance problems after discovering some hallucinogenic mushrooms, which gave a good feast. Fortunately things did not step over and after a visit to the vet, at the end of the video you can see the dog fully recovered.
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When you eat blueberries even though you do not like.
  upload date: 2016-06-21 thematic: Humor
It seems that this baby is ready to take on all the cup blueberries although he does not like. The child repeats again and again as his face seems to show the disgust he feels for fruits. Anyway the following with the task and even a small dance brand.
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Justin Bieber falls on stage.
  upload date: 2016-06-19 thematic: Humor
Justin Bieber falls into a hole in the stage during the Purpose Tour in Saskatoon, Canada. The singer was distracted looking at his clothes when he unexpectedly falls through a hole in the platform. For some strange reason people love to see this guy when these things happen, so the video has gone viral on the Internet.
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Cecilia cries inconsolably because she has no husband.
  upload date: 2016-06-16 thematic: Humor
Cecilia 5 years wants a husband and wants it now. The video has become viral on the Internet when mom asks her daughter crying and this explains desperately need a husband. The little Brazilian is very clear about what you want at this time, a small husband to accompany her as does her father with her mother.
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If you drink do not practice climbing.
  upload date: 2016-06-16 thematic: Humor
Alcohol and heights are not good companions, so if you drink do not climb as does our friend the video. The girl decides to climb down from an interior balcony of the house after having steep elbow. Collateral damage reach the aquarium fish beneath their feet.
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