In the category of Humor we have these subcategories: |
upload date: 2017-08-20 |
thematic: Humor |
You never know when and how you can discover your most unsuspected sexual tastes. That happens to this musician who should be thinking about changing his furniture if he does not want to change his tendency, yes or yes. My stomach just shrunk to watch the video.
upload date: 2017-08-08 |
thematic: Humor |
Here you have the best and most fun example of how a mass leader is born in just 3 minutes. It certainly takes the courage to undertake a leadership, but afterwards it is only about burning stages until it shines in an irresistible way to finally consolidate itself as a mass director. So much talk about influencers and it turns out that the best way to drag masses is to score a good dance.
upload date: 2017-08-04 |
thematic: Humor |
This girl tries to help her friend get home after a party with alcohol. The task is not simple, but it will be more complicated when the father comes to meet him. You will see how they are spent in Russia and how they solve the problem without much contemplation. The man is quite out of line, but you have to get on his skin.
upload date: 2017-08-04 |
thematic: Humor |
As we have seen on other occasions, it seems that thieves are relaxing when taking precautions at work and do not pay attention to details. That is what happens to this genius who does not seem to have a solid plan and decides to solve the setbacks improvised way but without thinking much about its effectiveness.
upload date: 2017-07-30 |
thematic: Humor |
The famous American gym star has posted on her Twitter account a funny video of herself waking up from anesthesia at the dentist. The little Simone Biles, winner of 4 gold medals in the Olympics of Brazil, went to extract the wisdom teeth and placed that strange anesthesia that the dentists place in their country that makes them look like idiots to their patients. There they have her driving a car from her stretcher.
upload date: 2017-07-28 |
thematic: Humor |
Here we have Nevaeh, a nice 4 year old girl who will give you some valuable tips on how to use makeup if you want to appear divine. The small one handles all type of paintings and potings with mastery until finishing its work. Finally there are some setbacks that will be adjusted with a little more practice.
upload date: 2017-07-20 |
thematic: Humor |
Inauguration of the new stadium of the city of El Alto, in Bolivia. President Evo Morales attends the event and is invited to make the serve of honor prior to the game. Instead of making the typical short touch that is made in these cases, Evo decides to make a touch to the purest Zidane style and this is what happens. A graphic description of what they are doing to their people like this guy and some of his friends like Maduro.
upload date: 2017-07-05 |
thematic: Humor |
This guy has had a brilliant idea and is willing to do it. It is about jumping over a scooter that runs towards it at full speed. So a priori seems an interesting exercise, but when it gets to practice, it makes evident how silly we are sometimes humans. Look at the blow that both geniuses stick together.
upload date: 2017-06-30 |
thematic: Humor |
This Chinese woman stars in one of those scenes in which pretends to be run over by a car to obtain compensation from the insurance company. Few times we have seen such a bad performance, but it is also that among the public who stares perplexed the scene are two policemen who can barely believe what they are seeing.
upload date: 2017-06-28 |
thematic: Humor |
Its wonderful to see how these four girls train on this rowing boat without a helmsman, although perhaps they should hire one. There is no denying that the girls are struggling to find a way out of the problem that has been presented to them, but it seems that the ability does not accompany them generously. I have serious doubts that we will see them compete in the next Olympics.
upload date: 2017-06-28 |
thematic: Humor |
The mind sometimes plays tricks on us and makes us see something that is not really happening. Here are a few examples of how humans can deceive the brain through different optical illusions. Some tricks are simple but others are really good.
upload date: 2017-06-28 |
thematic: Humor |
When we go on vacation we hope that we always have nice and funny things, but things do not always happen as we planned. Here we leave you a compilation of funny videos in which we see several people in situations compromised during their vacations.
upload date: 2017-06-13 |
thematic: Humor |
Get ready to laugh for a while. Bear Grylls returns with the last survivor in Australia to face once again all the challenges that wild nature gives him. That said is not that it is very funny thing, but if the video dubbing is on Korah s account, everything changes. As I am amused with the dubbing of this type.
upload date: 2017-05-31 |
thematic: Humor |
A fun sketch by Jose Mota that describes in a way what we want in these situations. When I visit the doctor, everyone wants me to tell him clearly how he really is, but the truth is that this is because we always expect good news but, what if they were not so good? Here you have a good solution.
upload date: 2017-05-18 |
thematic: Humor |
The truth is that the child is already old enough for these games, but the mother is seen to have confidence in the little one. Or rather, I had confidence, because I do not think that he will again participate in the challenges of his son. That said, you can go shopping for other glasses and a little ointment for your bruise.
upload date: 2017-04-28 |
thematic: Humor |
Yoga is generally a quiet and quiet activity, but sometimes the circumstances that surround it make it one of the funniest moments of the day. Of course doing yoga is not as simple as it seems, and even less when we do it surrounded by other external elements.
upload date: 2017-04-28 |
thematic: Humor |
These girls from Barnaul, Russia, are going to show us that connecting a tram car is more difficult than it seems, at least for them. The only positive is that at least none of them has been injured but the car will need repairs of sheet and paint.
upload date: 2017-04-25 |
thematic: Humor |
This surreal scene happened in San Sebastian, Spain. This man parks his car in a handicapped place and the agents put a stump in the wheel to immobilize him. When the guy realizes he pretends in a ridiculous way an inability to get rid of the penalty. I do not think hes going to get lucky.
upload date: 2017-04-24 |
thematic: Humor |
We have already seen the funky folds of Korah on several occasions. In this occasion we will have fun with the third world stage in which Spain participates. It must be recognized that this video has been worked well.
upload date: 2017-04-18 |
thematic: Humor |
Today we recovered a classic. Do not stop watching these 9 minutes of video because youre going to die of laughter. The call of Maruja to one of those callous contests of television that give money (little) to hit I do not know that thing. The story is that Maruja becomes a mess between the phone and the TV delay, but she insists and stoically holds. The hair is the hair.