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Best fails of the third week of May 2015.
  upload date: 2015-05-24 thematic: Humor
We leave you as always this video which gathers the best scenes of failures that we have seen on the Internet during the third week of May. All the craziness that is capable of carrying people and consequences afforded by them, usually in the form of punches.
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Best videos of the week by Le Zap de Spi0n 267.
  upload date: 2015-05-22 thematic: Humor
Again the people of Le Zap Spi0n bring us another compilation with the most curious and funny videos of the week ending. Enjoy the weekend is already here with this great video of 18 minutes. Look at the amount of craziness that can do people.
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Funny fails combined with ninja troll. Compilation.
  upload date: 2015-05-20 thematic: Humor
Get ready to laugh with this funny compilation failures combined with a ninja troll. The faults are sufficiently funny but our troll takes center stage when it comes to cause catastrophe.
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The Edge, U2 guitarist falls off the stage.
  upload date: 2015-05-18 thematic: Humor
U2 seems that lately you have no luck with falls. Recently, the leader Bono was falling off the bike and face was damaged. He has now been guitarist Dave Evans, known as The Edge, who lost his way on stage and fell during a concert in Vancouver. It seems that the fall had no significant effects except hit in the arm and ridicule for the musician.
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Best videos of the week by Le Zap de Spi0n 266.
  upload date: 2015-05-17 thematic: Humor
Here we let a great compilation of 36 minutes with the best videos you have seen on the Internet during this last week. Enjoy the most fun and unusual scenes of the network, all compiled in this video by the people of Le Zap de Spi0n.
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Best fails of the second week of May 2015.
  upload date: 2015-05-16 thematic: Humor
The second week of May leaves a funny compilation with the best judgments weve seen on the Internet during this period. Enjoy this video where you can see the number of crazy things can make people and the effects they have on them.
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A clumsy thief trying to steal an ATM.
  upload date: 2015-05-15 thematic: Humor
The police in Queensland, Australia, has released this video of a security camera service station to try to identify this man. The thief attempts to boot from inside the store the ATM but seems to have some problems with the chain. After a few attempts it gives up and leaves the place. This Award nominee this year more clumsy thief.
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Drunken fights in Russia, Compilation.
  upload date: 2015-05-15 thematic: Humor
When pressed cold vodka becomes the star of the party and then we know how these things end. Here we leave a compilation of the funniest videos fights these Russians who have been hitting the bottle. Surely you have not seen a more comical than these fights.
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Grandma birthday 102 years and blows out the candles on the cake so.
  upload date: 2015-05-13 thematic: Humor
Momma meets no less than 102 years and celebrates his birthday surrounded by all his family and friends. The highlight comes when blowing out the candles on the cake and occurs the funniest party. Fun so glad to see a woman her age. Great for her.
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Special Mothers Day pranks.
  upload date: 2015-05-10 thematic: Humor
Mothers Day is celebrated today in many countries in the Americas and to pay homage we leave a series of jokes with a hidden camera in which mothers are the protagonists of the plot. For a fun little while Sunday. Happy day for mums.
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Best fails of the first week of May 2015.
  upload date: 2015-05-10 thematic: Humor
Here we leave a video with the compilation of the most original and funny failures we ve seen on the Internet during the first week of May. A collection of impact and shock experienced by people as they try to make their craziest exploits.
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Abusing alcohol during work in Russia.
  upload date: 2015-05-08 thematic: Humor
This worker working on road maintenance is responsible for cleaning the section to be repaired. Apparently alcohol it is well equipped for any inconvenience you may encounter, although he has nothing good that you recorded during your journey. Still, a busy road does not seem the best place to work in these conditions.
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The worst parking maneuver in a mall.
  upload date: 2015-05-05 thematic: Humor
Look at the problems you have this woman to park in a spot of shopping. In fairness it must be said that trara of a young girl and that despite the problems and nerves do not hit other cars, but I must say that makes some really strange maneuvers to park your vehicle.
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A Texas mayor forget to turn off the microphone when going to the bathroom.
  upload date: 2015-05-05 thematic: Humor
Dale Ross is the mayor of Georgetown, Texas. During a meeting of city council a moment retires to the bathroom and forget to turn off your microphone. Notes that surreal moment exists in the meeting to realize the situation. Luckily the emergency was only to make minor waters.
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Best fails April 2015.
  upload date: 2015-05-03 thematic: Humor
We offer a video with the compilation of the best decisions that we have seen in nternet during last April again. Lets have some fun witnessing failures and falls to comment our players and let them have their moment of glory.
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Hula hoop for strongmen.
  upload date: 2015-04-28 thematic: Humor
Watch as he spends this man when entertaining time with the hula hoop. A little exercise is ideal to get up before going to cut some logs or lifting stones. And this was without breakfast, youll see when you fill the stomach.
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Royal guard at Buckingham Palace Epic fail.
  upload date: 2015-04-27 thematic: Humor
This beefeater has done more than unfortunate Slip famous during the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Actually that is not in the sole of your shoes or that the ground material is made to slide like that. The guy can not help laughing at the ridiculous scene, but recognize that the fall has grace and style.
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Best fails of the fourth week of April 2015.
  upload date: 2015-04-25 thematic: Humor
A new compilation with the funniest failures that we have seen on the Internet during the past week. All the crazy things they can do and people that are recorded by a camera. Some of these videos and full ve seen on this site in the last days.
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The major fails cutting trees.
  upload date: 2015-04-24 thematic: Humor
Cutting a tree seems a simple task for those who have never done, but nothing is further from reality. The work requires good planning and skill because things happen but how are you that you will see in this compilation of videos. The trees begin to take their revenge on humans.
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The ghost girl from Brazil subway.
  upload date: 2015-04-24 thematic: Humor
The Brazilian Silvio Santos prepares another elaborate pranks hidden camera to give a scare to citizens. On this occasion display a large assembly in the subway for casting a ghost girl among passengers arriving at a little busy season. The most striking to me is the deployment of means performing.
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