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Robbery of an ATM with a excavator
  upload date: 2021-09-30 thematic: Unusual
This event took place some time ago in Dungiven, Northern Ireland. Some masked men show up at dawn with a stolen excavator at a nearby construction site to start a bank ATM. The entire operation is done in less than 5 minutes and they manage to take the machine away. The most curious thing is how they introduce the ATM in the vehicle they use for the theft. It seems clear that the car is also stolen.
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Incredible landing of an Airbus A380 in the middle of the Dennis storm.
  upload date: 2020-02-20 thematic: Unusual
This passenger plane of the company Etihad Airways took land this past weekend at London s Heathrow Airport, in the middle of the Dennis storm that hit the British Isles. It is impressive to see how the aircraft lands almost vertically and completely crossed, as a result of the strong wind suffered by the airport. Finally, the Airbus A380 managed to land successfully thanks to the expertise of the pilots. After the initial shock, the passage celebrated the maneuver with a loud ovation.
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Who needs a workshop to repair a blow in the car? Fixed up.
  upload date: 2019-07-23 thematic: Unusual
This scene was recorded by the security camera of a house in downtown Houston last week. It is clear that this couple just suffered some kind of accident or run over with their car and their intention is to hide the damage to the car to flee the place. The owners of the house have shared the images in case they help to identify them, but it must be recognized that the guy does a more than acceptable job in the body of his car and in record time. The method is also the most accessible and cheap.
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Coastguard boarding a submarine loaded with drugs.
  upload date: 2019-07-12 thematic: Unusual
The Coast Guard of the United States detected and approached, off the coast of San Diego in California, a submarine of drug traffickers loaded with 18 tons of cocaine and marijuana. The boarding operation is really spectacular and they manage to stop the criminals. The value of the seized drug would have reached a price of about 570 million dollars in the market.
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When the president of the European Commission goes hand in hand with the drink.
  upload date: 2018-07-13 thematic: Unusual
If you go around in these conditions they will say that you have a Kurd of 15, but if the one who does is Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission in a NATO summit, they will say that he is a happy and endearing man . Well thats what happened a few days ago at this summit in Brussels in which participated the heads of state of various countries, including Donald Trump. And the European boss there is already someone who knows him as Jean-Claude Drunker.
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A priest slaps a baby during his baptism.
  upload date: 2018-06-22 thematic: Unusual
This surreal scene happened a few days ago in France during the ceremony of the baptism of a baby. You hear the priest say that he is going to pour the water on Jules forehead so that the child becomes a Christian. The little one feels uncomfortable and cries while the priest repeats that he calms down. Suddenly the priest slaps the baby s face at the surprised look of his parents. It is to praise the reaction of the father of the child, since it could have been much more contingent. The church should go unchecked at once of people like this who do not do any good to the institution.
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An alligator knocks out a policeman in Florida.
  upload date: 2018-06-11 thematic: Unusual
n principle it is a scene that we have seen many times. A two-and-a-half-meter alligator goes on a tour of Ocoee, a city adjacent to Orlando in Florida. The police proceeds to capture it to return it to its natural habitat. But when they are ready to transport it, things are not as simple as they seemed at first. One of the policemen kisses the canvas as if it had been knocked out by Mike Tyson himself.
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So a car swallows the lava of a volcano in Hawaii.
  upload date: 2018-05-08 thematic: Unusual
A few hours ago the Kilauea volcano erupted in Hawaii, causing the eviction of thousands of people. They continue to open new cracks that emanate toxic gases and steam that put the inhabitants of the area in serious danger, while rivers of lava expand throughout the south of the Island, destroying everything in their path. In the video we can see how in just a few minutes the lava devours a car, but there have already been many houses destroyed by the advance of the lava languages.
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A chairlift out of control causes the panic in Gudauri, Georgia.
  upload date: 2018-03-18 thematic: Unusual
A breakdown in this ski lift of the ski station of Gudauri, Georgia, causes a spectacular accident that resulted in at least 8 injured of different consideration. The event was caused by the failure in the clutch of this lift with chairs for 4 people. To this failure was added a second failure in the automatic stop safety system, this caused the chairlift to start backing up at full speed. Authentic minutes of panic were lived while the skiers flew off in the air.
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A marriage proposal with very bad taste.
  upload date: 2018-03-06 thematic: Unusual
We are used to seeing how the couple prepare different surprises when proposing a marriage to their partner, but sometimes things are carried to such an extent that they become cruel. On this occasion the lucky one who receives the surprise is the nurse of a hospital and I am not sure that I will remember her in the future with much pleasure. If it is that people are very twisted.
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Jake Cody earns 48,000 euros to poker and he plays them on a spin at roulette.
  upload date: 2018-03-04 thematic: Unusual
Jake Cody is a professional poker player from the United Kingdom, a member of Team Pro PokerStars. A few days ago was proclaimed winner of the tournament UK Poker Championships 2018 and took a prize of 42,670 pounds. Neither short nor lazy decided to bet everything on the black roulette before the joy of all present. What do you think would happen? Keep in mind that Cody accumulates more than 4.5 million dollars in prizes of live poker tournaments, so that the amount of money wagered is not so decisive in his life.
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Sometimes you have to invent to save a movie ticket.
  upload date: 2018-02-21 thematic: Unusual
The ingenuity of the human being is unlimited and there is no doubt about that, especially when it comes to saving a little money. Anyway, we must recognize that these two children have not squeezed too much brain to sneak into the cinema paying a single entry. It is at least strange to find in the tail of the cinema a beardless man of almost 2 meters and a half high. It would be interesting to know what movie they intend to see.
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The most surrealistic discussion between a motorist and a bus driver.
  upload date: 2018-02-07 thematic: Unusual
This unusual scene happened in the middle of London. The biker and the urban bus driver begin a discussion because of a compromise and the priority of each one. The driver of the bus, protected by a cabin, beckons the driver to enter your vehicle. Seeing that the situation gets tense decides to close the doors and start the bus. From there a good show is mounted.
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Who needs a car with a flying bathtub?
  upload date: 2018-01-17 thematic: Unusual
Let s see if you think that this invention can be the means of transport of the future. I do not know if all of them will be single-seaters or there will also be family vehicles. Will they have built-in water to clean themselves on the way? I can already see myself on Fridays with colleagues and looking for where to place our bathtubs. This looks good.
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When you decide to swim under the ice do not forget to take your friends.
  upload date: 2018-01-17 thematic: Unusual
Every day that dawns, the number of fools grows. This guy can not think of anything other than swimming under the ice to emerge back into a hole they had previously opened. The thing gets complicated when the man swims by the hole and does not see it. Luckily, his friends were there to help him, because otherwise his audacity would have cost him his life.
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The car takes you the crane and also you lose it.
  upload date: 2017-12-21 thematic: Unusual
Discovering that the crane has taken you to the car is one of the worst news you can find in the city. If in addition to that the operators of the crane make the mistake of not holding the car well, then you are in a situation as it happened to the owner of this vehicle. They will all laugh except the owner of the hit car.
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US Coast Guard finds a turtle entangled in a cache of cocaine.
  upload date: 2017-12-21 thematic: Unusual
The United States Coast Guard rescued this week a sea turtle that swam entangled in bales tied with ropes that drifted. Shortly after they discovered that the bales contained more 800 kilos of cocaine that have a value higher than 53 million dollars. Apparently the turtle had not consumed anything and remained serene.
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The amazing invisibility cloak that is revolutionizing the Internet.
  upload date: 2017-12-14 thematic: Unusual
This scene is revolutionizing social networks. The video has been published on Weibo, the popular social platform of China and in a few days exceeded 25 million views. They have defined it as a fabric of quantum technology and claim that this layer of invisibility could be used by the army. However, several experts in digital technology belie their qualities and ensure that the video has been previously filmed with a blue or green fabric to be edited after merging the fixed image with the place, as is usually done in the cinema. In any case, the effect is spectacular.
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Observe what a strange thing happens to this girl in Mexico.
  upload date: 2017-12-12 thematic: Unusual
You will have to watch the video more than once to understand what happens. This 12-year-old girl is about to be decapitated by a strange accident while walking down a street in Mexico. The tank truck hooks a telephone cable and drags it until it hits the girl. The scene did not end in tragedy for very little.
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When the employees of a store go through the narcotics.
  upload date: 2017-11-29 thematic: Unusual
This scene occurs in the store of an Indianapolis gas station. The recording is made by two customers who come to the store to buy drinks. Apparently the employees of the store have abused a little of the consumption of opiates, something quite common in the United States, and can not resist the dream they produce. The scene is certainly curious.
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