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Hypnotic video that combines zoom with a loop.
  upload date: 2021-09-30 thematic: Others
This video is the work of the artist Shahzod Boyhonov and is a short film in a loop in which the zoom makes one surprising image appear after another. The result is one of those sequences that, without knowing why, hypnotise you.
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75/5000 Workers building the Chrysler Building in 1929. It puts the creeps.
  upload date: 2020-02-20 thematic: Others
The construction of the Chrysler Building was done in record time for its time, between 1929 and 1930. With 252 meters high, for almost a year it was the tallest building in the world, until the Empire State Building snatched that title. In this cinematographic jewel you can check the safety conditions in which they worked almost a century ago. Really, you feel dizzy just by looking at the images. It is not strange the amount of serious occupational accidents that occurred during the construction of these skyscrapers.
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Google remembers the 50th anniversary of the arrival of man on the moon.
  upload date: 2019-07-23 thematic: Others
Just a few days ago, on July 20, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. A historic expedition that, for the first time in history, man left his mark off our planet. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin were the protagonists of this risky feat with which they advanced to Russia in achieving this objective of the space race. Today Google wanted to create this animation to pay tribute to all who participated in that historic deed of 1969.
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If you want to feel the adrenaline, look for attractions like this. Epic Fail.
  upload date: 2019-07-23 thematic: Others
Bungee Jumping is a common practice but it contains risks that can sometimes be fatal. This is what has happened in the Polish city of Gdynia, in which an attraction that does not look too professional offers the opportunity to jump from the top of a crane at 92 meters high. Suddenly something unexpected happens and the person making the jump rushes from 12 meters high on an air tarp. The result has been several fractures, but it could have ended in a major tragedy.
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When good intentions do not correspond to the final result.
  upload date: 2019-01-21 thematic: Others
We are in Sydney, Australia. This bird crashes into a vehicle and gets caught in the front grille of the engine. The lady, with the best intention, tries to free the animal with the help of a stick while it tries to peck it in its fight to escape. What happens after you can already imagine it. It is clear that for the poor little bird, today was not his day.
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The hero of the week saves a girl from drowning.
  upload date: 2018-11-09 thematic: Others
This scene was recorded in a Chinese town. The girl is playing next to a channel when she suddenly slips and rushes into the water. Luckily for her, a young man who passes by the place on a motorcycle realizes the situation and throws himself into the water to rescue her. Although the girl at first seemed to be able to float, she could not swim to the shore. Once again we realize that fortunately there are many heroes who do not wear cloaks.
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This is the construction of a super luxury yacht of 87 meters. Timelapse
  upload date: 2018-08-29 thematic: Others
Observe in detail this beauty of construction of a super yacht of 87 meters in length carried out by the Dutch shipyard Feadship Royal Dutch Shipyards. The construction of Lonian, as the yacht is called, lasted for three years that you can see summarized in this spectacular 5 minute timelapse video. The company Feadship is recognized as the world leader in regard to this type of custom boats. It is surprising to see the number of shipyards that the yacht travels until its impressive work is finished.
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When you celebrate ahead of time you have won a million dollars at poker.
  upload date: 2018-06-20 thematic: Others
This surreal scene happened a few days ago during the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. The North American Sang Liu was in a position of advantage in the final hand of the tournament to take the victory and began to celebrate the title without waiting for the cards to give judgment. Finally an 8 of diamonds gave the victory to his rival, the Brazilian Roberly Felicio. The prize of one million dollars went to Felicio, although Liu received half a million reserved for the second classified. The main disappointment of the North American was to lose the prized bracelet of champion of the WSOP, a badge of which very few players can boast.
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Why men and women can not be friends
  upload date: 2018-06-11 thematic: Others
It is a question older than the world. Is it true that men and women can not be friends? A survey conducted in the library of the State University of Utah will clarify many of the questions you have about this issue. Lets see what you think after seeing this.
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If you re a piggy on the road you risk this happening to you.
  upload date: 2018-04-20 thematic: Others
I think this scene happened on a road in Poland. During a stop in traffic, a driver takes the opportunity to throw all the garbage inside his vehicle through the window. What I expected is that another driver annoyed by his action, go to remind him the rules of civics in a forceful way. These lessons should be more frequent and thus everything would be more beautiful and clean.
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When you find a huge gold nugget.
  upload date: 2018-04-20 thematic: Others
This sequence was recorded in Australia and shows us the precise moment when a gold seeker finds a large 7.3 ounce nugget that is valued at around 11,000 dollars. After such a find we can forgive the amount of swearwords that came from the mouth of the lucky guy. It seems incredible that nature still hides treasures of such magnitude.
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How people react to a hopscotch on the street. Social experiment.
  upload date: 2018-04-17 thematic: Others
On a street in Seattle, they have carried out a social experiment to prove the child that we adults still carry inside. It is about painting the typical game known as hopscotch, that consists of some pictures drawn on the ground that are surpassed jumping as stipulated by its rules, after throwing a stone to which corresponding square. How many pedestrians do you think would be encouraged to jump?
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A biker helps stop a runaway horse. Hero.
  upload date: 2018-03-13 thematic: Others
The horse escapes from the woman who carries it and runs riot through the streets of a city in Holland, with the danger that this entails for the vehicles that circulate and the animal itself. The biker does not hesitate to pick up the owner of the horse and pursue it with the intention of stopping it. After several attempts the couple achieves their goal. As they say, not all heroes wear capes.
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A father discovers that his son is a bully at school and this is what he does.
  upload date: 2018-03-09 thematic: Others
This video is going viral these days because of the punishment that this man imposes on his 10-year-old son for bullying his classmates. Run to school in the rain. This is what the father is commenting on in the video: Hello everyone, welcome to the program "Better listen to your dad 2018". My son got into trouble on the school bus and he was forbidden to ride on it for three days for bullying, which I do not tolerate or endure. For this reason now he has to run to school, we are a mile away, so the whole week has run. He has not got into trouble this week, which is good since he was crazy last week. This is raising a child. Our children are the future. Being a parent is an option. Be sure to show your children that you love them with hugs and discipline. Parenting is not always about being a friend, it s about guiding you towards your future.
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These teenagers did not know they were famous. Important message
  upload date: 2018-02-21 thematic: Others
These teenagers meet unexpectedly in the middle of a press conference. In spite of being all of them anonymous kids, the questions are becoming more familiar to them and this produces a growing uneasiness. Although it is a nice scene, behind all this there is a much more important message than it may seem. It would be convenient for parents and children to take note of this video for the future.
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When a child possessed in a transoceanic flight touches you in front of you.
  upload date: 2018-02-14 thematic: Others
If someone has gone through an experience like this, you will understand perfectly that it is one of the most patience required in our entire existence. This in particular happens during a flight between Germany and New Jersey. This child who seems possessed by all imaginable devils was the entire trip of about 8 hours behaving in this way without his blessed mother did anything to prevent it. What can be done in these cases?
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The coolest show with just shaving foam.
  upload date: 2018-02-08 thematic: Others
Michael Carbonaro was doing a few years ago in Paris this original show called Shaving Dream, with the help of only one bottle of shaving foam. This is a good proof that a great show can be mounted in the most austere way. Between the towel and the shaving foam, I do not think they exceed 5 euros.
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The best videos of 2017, by Zapatou.
  upload date: 2017-12-07 thematic: Others
The end of 2017 is approaching and as every year the compilations with the best videos of the year begin to appear. On this occasion it is Zapatou who brings us this compilation of 8 minutes with a lot of spectacular images and that are now familiar.
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Spot Christmas lottery 2017. Danielle. Short TV version.
  upload date: 2017-11-13 thematic: Others
Here we leave the short version, that is, the one that you will see in the television advertising, of the spot of the Christmas Lottery 2017. Like every year, it is a fantastic spot that will not disappoint you.The Spanish director of cinema Alejandro Amenabar has been commissioned to make the famous spot on this occasion. It tells the story of love that arises between an alien being who arrives on Earth in the person of a girl named Danielle and a boy named Daniel who meets in the queue of the famous administration of Doña Manolita de Madrid. Daniel who buys a ticket and from there begins a beautiful love story that will be disturbed by some whims of fate. The spirit of this spot also leave us the usual message of each Christmas: the important thing is not to win the lottery, but to share it.
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Loteria Christmas spot 2017. Danielle. Long version 19 minutes.
  upload date: 2017-11-13 thematic: Others
The expected spot of the 2017 Spanish Christmas Lottery has just arrived. Every year it raises a great expectation and this has not been less. On this occasion we leave you the long version of 19 minutes directed by Alejandro Amenabar. It is a love story that narrates as an extraterrestrial being in the person of a girl named Danielle, arrives on Earth. While wandering around Madrid, he is in the queue of the famous administration of Doña Manolita, there he meets Daniel who buys him a ticket. From there a beautiful love story is born that you can not miss. The Oscar-winning Spanish director aims to merge an everyday and earthly vision with the magic of the unknown. The final message is the same as always: the important thing is not to win the lottery, but to share it.
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