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Tremendous blow practicing kiteloop.
  upload date: 2013-10-13 thematic: Sports
This man practiced kiteloop and reached a height of 20 meters rather than the whim of the wind threw him over the water by surprise. The fall of plane had to be really painful.
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Excellent goal from Tomas Hertl in a game of ice hockey.
  upload date: 2013-10-10 thematic: Sports
Spectacular goal getting Tomas Hertl, San José Sharks player in their game against the NY Rangers. This original goal that surprised goalkeeper, is one of the four goals that this player only 19 years got in the game.
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Preparing the Red Bull Rampage 2013.
  upload date: 2013-10-06 thematic: Sports
The bikers Tyler McCaul, Kurt Sorge and Darren Berrecloth they train for the upcoming Red Bull Rampage to be held the next day 13 and October 14. The hard training and falls, are the stars of this video.
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Awesome images with GoPro Hero 3.
  upload date: 2013-10-02 thematic: Sports
Select full screen and enjoy the breathtaking images recorded with the new camera GoPro Hero 3. This camera is smaller but with an enormous picture quality. Most of the images are of extreme sports.
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Madness of extreme sports.
  upload date: 2013-10-02 thematic: Sports
Best of Xtreme in this first episode brings us a compilation of images of extreme sports that will delight fans of the genre. Just enjoy the surf, snow, motorcycles, air sports and many more ...
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Best tricks for cheerleaders 2013.
  upload date: 2013-09-29 thematic: Sports
In this event each year meet the cheerleaders and delight us making their spectacular tricks. Demonstration of strength and skill. The music is Decitona of Cheersounds.
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Compilation of falls on a MTB downhill race.
  upload date: 2013-09-29 thematic: Sports
Great video with a collection of fall biking in these Downhill races held between 1992-94. In this way he began to compete in this type of racing. Attention to the shattered front wheels.
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Top 15 falls from the Red Bull Rampage 2012.
  upload date: 2013-09-27 thematic: Sports
A video that collects this ranking of 15 falls more spectacular that suffered during the Red Bull Rampage 2012 participants. This test brings together the best professional riders in the world, with their bikes offer incredible moments.
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Original goal by lack in soccer.
  upload date: 2013-09-27 thematic: Sports
Konstantin Fring gets this confusing goal in a launch failure in soccerl match contested between teams of Rot-Weiss Essen vs. Fortuna Dusseldorf II. I am not clear if Theatre is used for something or release is simply great.
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Soccer player Raul Baena denies the greeting to Leo Messi.
  upload date: 2013-09-25 thematic: Sports
Soccer player Raul Baena denies greeting Leo Messi before the game of the fifth round of League, between FC Barcelona and Rayo Vallecano. Baena is the third white player beginning to count from the right.
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Soccer... it s not just a game
  upload date: 2013-09-25 thematic: Sports
A nice video that includes exciting moments in football. The thin line that separates the victory of failure causes tears on both sides, in the same way between athletes and fans.
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The best jumps of 2013.
  upload date: 2013-09-24 thematic: Sports
A compilation with the best and more leaps that have occurred during the year 2013. All jumps, but charged with excitement and risk to the delight of the extreme sports lovers.
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Innovative tactics in a soccer match.
  upload date: 2013-09-20 thematic: Sports
Curious and risky tactic to use RB Leipzig team to start the party. All players, except two and goalkeeper rise to the attack in the throw-off. The move leaves them perfect this time and get a goal in 7 seconds.
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Feigning attacks in the NFL.
  upload date: 2013-09-19 thematic: Sports
Always complain about the amount of players-actors posing in football. This collection of videos shows that also in the NFL there are many cheats footballers that are pulled to trigger the sanction of the rival.
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Double epic fail in a soccer match.
  upload date: 2013-09-19 thematic: Sports
Two failures incredible in a same play during a soccer match in Algeria. It is difficult to know what the fault is more ridiculous. In honor of the truth, it must be said to the front it seems that you boot you wrong the ball.
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Women incredible playing sport. HD.
  upload date: 2013-09-19 thematic: Sports
15 minutes of video showing us some beautiful women performing their favorite sports with spectacular footage in HD. They demonstrate that not only men can do things incredible and daring.
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Awesome women in their sports. HD.
  upload date: 2013-09-16 thematic: Sports
Compilation of girls who delight us with their ability in various sports such as motocross, skate, bike and surf... They show that you also of beauty can be highlighted for their talent and value. A gift for the view.
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Lore Noras, and its perfect Fitness and booster training.
  upload date: 2013-09-15 thematic: Sports
Lore Noras is a 18 year old Norwegian girl who lives to the sport. It is prepared to participate in the competitions of bodybuilding and fitness, working in the gym. It really has an outstanding body.
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Flying over the water in a Batman kite.
  upload date: 2013-09-12 thematic: Sports
Once more the Russians surprised us with its original sports. This time such flies over the waters of a channel uploaded to a sort of batman kite, pulled by a boat.
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Spectacular hovercraft racing.
  upload date: 2013-09-09 thematic: Sports
There is no doubt that hovercraft racing is fun. And these pilots handled spectacularly. Envy to handle one of these boats
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