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People are awesome in Slow Motion.
  upload date: 2013-11-18 thematic: Sports
A new video dedicated to the amazing people who excel in extreme sports. This time you can enjoy the images in slow motion to better capture the details. Always adorned with other images that accompany it.
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Soccer epic fail.
  upload date: 2013-11-14 thematic: Sports
Every day we see incredible failures during a football match, but can always be overcome. On this occasion should recognize that the field is quite irregular and causes the failure. Worst of all is the shame that has to bear the player.
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Spectacular Wingsuit through a Canyon in Utah.
  upload date: 2013-11-13 thematic: Sports
Incredible wingsuit flight Scotty Bob gets through this narrow canyon in Utah. This sport has lately taken the lives of a few fans, every time you try to go further and increasing the risk they face is greater.
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The amazing triple shot Felipe Reyes.
  upload date: 2013-11-12 thematic: Sports
This happened during the match of the Spanish League from Real Madrid against La Bruixa d Or d. Felipe Reyes, Real Madrid captain, makes a spectacular triple back when there are only 0.4 seconds to the end of the second quarter.
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Ball never touches the ground.
  upload date: 2013-11-09 thematic: Sports
Incredible skill of this Japanese child who can make hundreds of tricks with a soccer ball without drop it to the floor. The video was recorded on the streets of Tubingen, Germany. You can not play football, but he is a genius of the freestyle.
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Wakeboard with a bulldozer.
  upload date: 2013-11-08 thematic: Sports
The return Devinsupertramp friends on this occasion to enjoy the wakeboard with the help of an excavator. The truth is that the idea pueder be good, long as we have an excavator at home.
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Spectacular mountain bike through the streets of Valparaiso, Chile.
  upload date: 2013-11-07 thematic: Sports
Enjoy aboard the bicycles of Aaron Chase, Brian Lopes and Chris Van Dine in the labyrinth of the colorful streets of the city of Valparaiso, Chile. With your GoPro cameras recorded some incredible of your travel pictures.
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Goalkeeper Asmir Begovic gets a goal from their goal.
  upload date: 2013-11-04 thematic: Sports
Asmir Bergovic, Stoke City goalkeeper Gets the goal more quickly in the Premier League within 13 seconds of start the party. Mark goal kicking from his goal and surprising goalkeeper of Southampton, which is covered in glory.
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Cristiano Ronaldo fan response to Blatter.
  upload date: 2013-10-30 thematic: Sports
The response of fans of Cristiano Ronaldo to Joseph Blatter, for his words in which mocks the portuguese footballer of the Real Madrid. Certainly much more elegant than the Swiss. While in the background in the video hear the words of derision.
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Unfortunate mockery of Joseph Blatter on Cristiano Ronaldo.
  upload date: 2013-10-30 thematic: Sports
Seems it me to me or this type is drunk? So speak the FIFA President on Cristiano Ronaldo. Criticism has rained you everywhere and had to apologize. For some these attitudes clarified many errors and strange in soccer decisions.
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Referee hits to players in a soccer match.
  upload date: 2013-10-26 thematic: Sports
A referee solved with a couple of blows to players protests by a penalty called. The referee had called penalty kick for the team Al Arabi, opposing players surrounded him Al Naser threatening, but disbanded it with a couple of cookies.
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Bouldering, climbing dramatically.
  upload date: 2013-10-24 thematic: Sports
Bouldering is a scalar mode consisting small boulders or walls which can be up to 8 meters, without the need of materials such as rope or harness. This is proof IFSC 2013. Incredible strength with arms.
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Ice hockey goalie Mike Smith gets a goal.
  upload date: 2013-10-24 thematic: Sports
Mike Smith, goalkeeper ice hockey team the Coyotes Red, with a goal by throwing from his goal over all its opponents. The puck crosses the goal line when only 0.1 seconds remained to finish the game.
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Original proposal of marriage in soccer.
  upload date: 2013-10-23 thematic: Sports
Fabi is one of the coaches of the California soccer team. Sara is one of the players of the team and the girlfriend of Fabi. Coach feigns an injury to surprise his girlfriend and propose marriage.
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Spectacular tour in the Red Bull Rampage with GoPro.
  upload date: 2013-10-23 thematic: Sports
Enjoy the stunning first biker path Kelly McGarry at Red Bull Rampage in Utah held a few days ago and which managed to finish in second position. Spectacular backflip seen from the GoPro camera.
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The best extreme sports of the week.
  upload date: 2013-10-22 thematic: Sports
A compilation of the best moments of the week in different extreme sports. Enjoy the spectacular images of this third episode.
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Scandal with the phantom goal for Bayer Leverkusen.
  upload date: 2013-10-20 thematic: Sports
Bayer Leverkusen placed leader of the Bundesliga after winning their match 1-2 before Hoffenheim with a goal that I go by the side of the goal, through a hole in the network. The most curious is that neither referee nor rivals see it.
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Falls in the extreme sport.
  upload date: 2013-10-18 thematic: Sports
Best athletes also fall and possibly more than anyone, although gives the feeling that are used and not hurt them. Here we leave a collection of fall when attempting to bicycle and skate tricks.
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Suzanne Svanevik and impressive Crossfit training.
  upload date: 2013-10-18 thematic: Sports
Suzanne Svanevik is a girl of 17 years dedicated to Crossfit, a sport that combines strength and endurance in equal parts. It is spectacular to see their training and not imagine the amount of hours you can devote.
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Awesome backflip of Cameron Zink in the Red Bull Rampage 2013.
  upload date: 2013-10-15 thematic: Sports
In these first days of October is celebrated the Red Bull Rampage in the National Park of Zion in Virgin, Utah, USA. Mountain bike test more spectacular in the world and here leave us this wonder Cameron Zink.
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