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Diver found a million dollars in gold from a sunken Spanish galleon.
  upload date: 2015-07-29 thematic: Others
A resident family in Sanford, Florida north sea recovered 60 gold coins valued at one million dollars. The coins were part of one of a fleet of Spanish galleons that sank off the coast of Florida because of a hurricane on 31 July 1715. The divers found just 4.5 meters deep, aided by a metal detector. In previous years they had already found other pieces like a gold chain of 15 meters and a reliquary.
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Incredible moment a child with cerebral palsy crosses the finish line in a triathlon.
  upload date: 2015-07-28 thematic: Others
This exciting moment was this past Sunday when Bailey Matthews, a child of only eight years who has cerebral palsy, loose his walker and cross the finish line of a triathlon held in the town of North Yorkshire, England. Bailey did with his parents and testing your willpower and desire to excel thrilled all present cheered him with their cries. Bailey did not care because I was stumbling and falling clearly your goal. The audience could not hold back the tears of emotion.
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Touching Haka tribute to a deceased teacher in New Zealand.
  upload date: 2015-07-27 thematic: Others
Professor Dawson Tamatea was one of the most beloved by students and fellow Palmerston North High School Boys where he taught people. A few days ago he died suddenly at 55 years old and it was a blow to all who knew him. He is described as a special man that always accompanied his teachings with humor, love sports and culture Haka. His students wanted to pay their last tribute to dance Haka to step mourners. The school suspended classes for half a day so that everyone could attend the funeral ceremony.
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Admirable reaction to a traffic accident in London.
  upload date: 2015-07-21 thematic: Others
Notes that such an absurd way this truck smashes a motorcycle at an intersection in London. It seems that the bike is at an angle that prevents the truck driver can see it.It remembers that in England they drive on the left channel. Best of all is the very good reaction that everyone has after the accident and certainly the best performance by the lady who runs down the street. That different from when they start arguing and shouting in an accident.
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Homeless father vs Homeless drug addict. Social Experiment.
  upload date: 2015-07-20 thematic: Others
These people perform a social experiment to see how the generosity of the people as to who needs it. At first man begging moemnto diciando you need drugs and alcohol. Later he claims to be a single father who begs for his family with his daughter. How do you think people react?
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This is how religions spread throughout the world.
  upload date: 2015-07-16 thematic: Others
The five major world religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. These religions have spread throughout the world during the last millennia writing history and geography conquering the planet. They have also been the cause of many conflicts and wars. Here you can check that way spread throughout the Earth.
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One decision. Never leave a child locked inside the car. IMPORTANT!!
  upload date: 2015-07-15 thematic: Others
In the video above we were doing a parody to remember this important issue, but as every year when the summer heat starts, remember this issue to raise peoples awareness of this terrible recurring problem with children and animals. Here we leave again this video that explains the following: Every 10 days a child dies of heat stroke in a vehicle in the US, 73 percent children under 2 years. In 15 minutes at 40 degrees organs collapse, to 41.5 the child dies. Annually, an average of 37 children for this cause in the United States, which already records the death of 624 children since 1998.
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Reactions to two gay strolling hand in Russia. Social experiment.
  upload date: 2015-07-14 thematic: Others
These two guys pretending to be gay to walk the streets of Russia holding hands in order to see the reactions of people. Look at the amount of insults and humiliations they receive. In Russia it is common killing homosexuals and laws discriminate against them. We must see what is behind these imbeciles.
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Evolution of mens fashion. 100 years summarized in 3 minutes.
  upload date: 2015-07-11 thematic: Others
Funny how fashion has evolved over the years. What at one time in our life thoughts about the coolest, shortly after even seems ridiculous. We have seen these changes in womens fashion and is now the turn of mens fashion.
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Amazing people. Summer edition 2015.
  upload date: 2015-07-08 thematic: Others
Summer is here and its time to look refreshing activities. Some do it in a simple way, but others seek the maximum of adrenalin in your fun. Here we show a compilation of scenes with people doing all kinds of activities in an incredible way.
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Its that amazing is a bathroom in Japan.
  upload date: 2015-07-06 thematic: Others
Notes 12 reasons why a Japanese bathroom sleep either. Must see such incredible things that happen to these characters to make more functional space like this. Although I must say I am not quite agree with some reasons as number 10.
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A judge recognized the defendant as his former classmate.
  upload date: 2015-07-05 thematic: Others
This Court judge in Miami-Dade is about to pass sentence for accused of stealing a car and resisting arrest. At that time Judge Mindy Glazer Arthur Booth recognized the accused as a high school classmate. She reminds him that studied together and playing football. At that time she reminds him that he was a good boy, the cutest of the class and that is sad because ve reached that place. Booth ashamed and while repeating, oh my God, can not help but mourn. The Glazer judge imposes punishment and wishes him well in the future so you can turn your life, even though the defendant has another pending lawsuit by a former theft.
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Easy trick to make fire.
  upload date: 2015-06-29 thematic: Others
Make fire can be one of the simplest things in the world if offers on a battery and a pack of gum. Contestants of survivors hiding lighters program in the most unlikely places for a fire and these two simple objects could perfectly burn the island.
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Unsung heroes of science.
  upload date: 2015-06-29 thematic: Others
This video reminds us that, although part of the pharmacological industry is enriched with disease and misery of people, sometimes even negotiate with the suffering of the people, there is solidarity scientists who sacrifice their lives seeking to provide assistance to those who most in need. A tribute to these anonymous people mortgaging their time and their families by helping others.
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I have HIV, do you dare to touch me? Social experiment.
  upload date: 2015-06-28 thematic: Others
This young man named Janne wanted to make this social experiment in the street so that people are aware of the stigma attached to living every day with AIDS. While it is checking the fear and prejudice of people who do not know what this disease to HIV carriers.
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Largest model train of the world. Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg.
  upload date: 2015-06-25 thematic: Others
A miniature marvel. The largest model railroad youve never seen in Hamburg. Its called Miniatur Wunderland and consists of nearly 1,000 trains and 10,000 cars, which travel hundreds of kilometers each day by 1,250 square meters of this attraction. It also has the largest airport in the world in miniature. There are mountains reaching 6 meters high and has a replica of the Swiss Alps and the Grand Canyon. Lovely to visit more than one million people a year.
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An efficient lifeguard sees a child drowning in a pool.
  upload date: 2015-06-24 thematic: Others
There is no doubt that the job of a lifeguard at wave pool is much more complicated than any other pool, and not only by the characteristics of the attraction, but also by the number of people who enjoy water. This girl congratulating all realizing immediately that a child was falling from his float and he was about to drown will win. Good for her.
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The Super Slide. 4K.
  upload date: 2015-06-21 thematic: Others
Now that summer comes its time to enjoy super attraction like this water park, the BSR Cable Park Resort. A real delight, though some go with the red belly sometimes. Enjoy this video filmed in 4K quality.
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Le Petit Chef. Great hologram on the table in a restaurant.
  upload date: 2015-06-19 thematic: Others
Sencillamente genial. Observa esta increible proyeccion sobre la mesa de un restaurante. Un chef en miniatura prepara en la propia mesa el plato que los clientes van a consumir en unos minutos. El metodo del pequeño cocinero no es el mas convencional pero es realmente original y consigue preparar un plato exquisito. Una idea estupenda para entretener a los comensales mientras se prepara su comida, que ha sido creada por SkullMapping y se realiza con dos proyectores sobre la mesa.
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The effects of a new drug called Scooby Snax.
  upload date: 2015-06-17 thematic: Others
This is a new drug called Scooby Snax has appeared in the United States and which has also effects on people when consumed. Really I do not know what you bring to these substances. It is clear that the cure for cancer just does not appear, but clandestine laboratories do not stop inventing garbage like this.
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