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Epic Wins Compilation. Epic Wins
  upload date: 2016-04-08 thematic: Others
Here we leave this compilation with scenes of those moments when things go incredibly well. Fail Army staff back to Windows 95 to delight us with some amazing videos that can have a good time entertaining.
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Incredible joy of a baby who can see your mom for the first time.
  upload date: 2016-04-08 thematic: Others
This is the incredible moment when a sweet baby 4 months old can clearly see his mother for the first time thanks to lenses. Wilbur Leopold Reppond uncommon suffering from a disorder called oculocutaneous albinism that prevents him from seeing properly. The father explained that nobody could hold back the tears when he saw Leo s smile as he watched his mother.
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The best race of marbles in history. They betting allowed.
  upload date: 2016-04-07 thematic: Others
Observes that way so simple can enjoy an original race, only a slope with sand and marbles of colors is needed, the excitement is added with some shortcuts and difficulties. In the second part of the video we have another race with Easter eggs marble. Bet on who wins.
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Great short manufacturing glass bottles.
  upload date: 2016-03-30 thematic: Others
This wonderful short film showing us an original manufacturing process in different types of glass bottles. A mixture of craft and mechanical work with old film dyes in 1960 earned a nomination for an Oscar in Hollywood.
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Got Talent jury prejudge a contestant and regrets his decision.
  upload date: 2016-03-29 thematic: Others
This is the perfect example of a reality that happens to us too many times in our lives. Sometimes we rush to judge people and things without waiting to see how they really are or what they are capable of. Thats what happened this week the jury of Got Talent Switzerland, with a great competitor.
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When the karma is charged your debt with a drunk and an elevator.
  upload date: 2016-03-29 thematic: Others
This Chinese man aged 24, after a night of karaoke arrives drunk to lift and begins to kick him because he is impatient with waiting. His girlfriend tries to calm him down but to no avail. Finally karma comes punctually at the appointment to see him fall down the elevator shaft. Fortunately, he survived the fall but he suffered the fracture of both legs.
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Father of the Year.
  upload date: 2016-03-29 thematic: Others
Watch as this great dad manages to create a path for his daughter downhill without leaving the living room of his house. With the help of a bicycle and a TV gets fulfill the dream of his little girl. And we say it always gets more who want, who can.
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Holograms on calls, the last of Microsoft.
  upload date: 2016-03-26 thematic: Others
Microsoft is still working on 3D technologies and on this occasion shows Holoportation, a new type of technology capture is carried out with their glasses raised relidad, HoloLens. It seems that soon we will interact and talk face to face with people who are kilometers away, as though they were with us.
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The most brutal falls during rodeos. Compilation.
  upload date: 2016-03-24 thematic: Others
In these typical rodeos across the Atlantic it is common to see riders fallen hard during tournaments. Here you have a compilation together in some of the most spectacular when the cowboys are dedicated to riding these big bulls.
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Tremendous flood after the breaking of a dam in Brazil.
  upload date: 2016-03-24 thematic: Others
Just published a previously unreleased video of the tragedy that happened in the city of Mariana, Brazil, after the November 5, 2015 a dam broke mineral waste and flooded a large area, killing 19 people. It is really terrifying arrival of the big wave.
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A surprising hero comes to the rescue of some reporters assaulted.
  upload date: 2016-03-22 thematic: Others
A team of Australian reporters perform on the streets of Stockholm a research program on violent gruopos of Muslim immigrants Several members of these groups react violently assaulting journalists, when suddenly a person comes to his aid surprisingly. Who can not help but who wants.
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This happens when Cristiano Ronaldo decides to take a tea in a coffee shop.
  upload date: 2016-03-15 thematic: Others
This is the situation that usually suffers a football superstar when you decide to make as normal as going out with a friend for a coffee at a bar thing. It seems that this is some kind of advertising promotion in which this scene recorded with a hidden camera and show the patience you must have a famous person to perform any everyday thing. At that time I do not envy him.
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Attempted attack Donald Trump during a rally.
  upload date: 2016-03-15 thematic: Others
A man named Thomas Di Massimo was arrested while allegedly trying to attack the Republican precandidado Donald Trump during a speech at the international airport Dayton, Ohio. After the scare, even she brags Trump saying he was ready to defend itself. Hours later published a tweet where Dimassimo accused of being a member of ISIS and claimed that should be in jail. What a character this Trump, sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind.
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A protest in Venice becomes the Battle of Trafalgar.
  upload date: 2016-03-14 thematic: Others
Last week a bilateral summit in Venice between Italy and France was held to discuss the construction of a line of high-speed train between Turin and Lyon. The No-TAV activists show their opposition to this project, as well as the entry of large ships to the Italian city. They try to break through the police cordon and you see this is organized.
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Beautiful reaction of a group of children with a partner.
  upload date: 2016-03-04 thematic: Others
It happens during a school competition in which one of the children could not get their goal. At one point he begins to mourn for impotence of not achieving his jump and shortly after his teammates do what they see in the video. There is no stronger than solidarity and encouragement weapon.
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The worst possible maneuver with a ladder and a scaffold.
  upload date: 2016-03-03 thematic: Others
Tremendous fall of a worker from a ladder placed on a scaffold. There is no doubt that the maneuver was a bad idea, but also someone forgets to put the brakes on the wheels of the scaffolding, causing the tragedy. Go hit the poor man sticks to the ground.
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Big ships launches. Compilation 2015.
  upload date: 2016-02-29 thematic: Others
If you love the sea and catch your attention the big boats, youll enjoy this spectacular compilation of videos that show the launching of large vessels with excellent images in HD. In some of the scenes gives the impression that the ship is going to sink directly.
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A father always risks his life for his son. Heroic act.
  upload date: 2016-02-24 thematic: Others
This last scene happened in Ukraine. A child is released to cross the road in traffic and father no doubt striving after for his life. The father prevents the abuse of his son but completely takes the hit. Fortunately both saved his life. You can never lose sight of a child near a road.
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Good deeds on Russian roads. Compilation 2016.
  upload date: 2016-02-20 thematic: Others
We are used to seeing Russians fighting videos and all sorts of crazy scenes, but this time we leave a compilation of those moments in which people show solidarity with others and help their fellow man.
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Top 10 terrifying storms at sea.
  upload date: 2016-02-14 thematic: Others
Suffer a severe storm on board a ship at sea shows you how small you can feel a person in the middle of a natural phenomenon of this nature. Here you have a ranking with some of the most terrifying moments that can live at sea aboard a boat. The fury of the ocean at its best.
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