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Perfect synchronization of dance
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
A good number in the program Got To Dance Series 3
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Optical illusion sculpture in New York
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Spectacular sculpture on Park Avenue, New York
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Lego Space Shuttle in space
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
In honor of the end of the era of the space shuttle, with the help of a helium balloon ship sent Lego Space Shuttle 3367 to 35,000 meters. s Launch in Germany was recorded with a GoPro Hero2 camera
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Cuadrocopteros Squadron song playing James Bond
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An impromptu orchestra flying ...
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New iPad 3
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
New iPad 3, reality or fiction? Cobra force the rumor that the new iPad 3 may be presented the next day March 7
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Lifting containers fail
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When charged he looks very concerned about the driver of the machine, right?
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Mirror Dance
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
This group of children performed a stunning dance number in the mirror.
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Remember to breathe in Alberta, Canada. HD
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Spectacular landscapes and sequences taken at different locations in Alberta, Canada
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Street Artist makes candy dragons
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Draw with figures like this dragon candy ...
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The backward time
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So things look when we go back in time ...
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Whack in the snow toboggan sled
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This arrival failure cost him a broken leg sled driver of the University of Alberta.
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Flash Mob of Budweiser in amateur ice hockey game
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Surprise of jugadoresde a game of ice hockey amateur who saw their stands were filled with fans and effects. For one day these guys are professionals felt NHL.
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Happy Valentine s Day by Google Doodle
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In some places the day and other love of friendship, which becomes more or less the same. Happy day to all
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Human flight in HD
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Spectacular images HD super slow motion camera flying paratroopers.
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  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Collection of moments of fortune in different situations.
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Snowmobile about to fall off a cliff
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On the verge of falling down a mountain with an avalanche in Idaho
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Animated History of aviation
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Nice short animation that traces the history of the flight of man ..
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Incredible Nano quadricopters squad
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Spectacular handling this small squadron of flying. Makes you want to rush out and buy them.
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Lego Man in space
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
Two young Canadian citizens 17 years, Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad, with a budget of $ 400 raise this doll get 27,400 feet before the balloon explodes it rises. He picked up his fall to 120 kms
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The secret of the FX in Final Destination 5. HD
  upload date: 0000-00-00 thematic: Others
9 spectacular minutes with simultaneous pictures of the actual recording film and sequences that will see
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