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The real Santa Claus Syrian. Would you risk your life to make a child smile?
  upload date: 2016-09-15 thematic: Others
Santa Claus really exists for Syrian children. It is called Rami Adham and every two months risks his life on a long journey. Loaded with 80 kilos of toys to reach the war zone of Aleppo and deliver them to refugee children. This Syrian - Finnish, walk for 10 hours under the bullets to bring a smile to those who suffer most from war, children. A real hero.
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Beyonce pauses concert for a proposal of marriage to a dancer.
  upload date: 2016-09-15 thematic: Others
Beyonce acting as an accomplice in a proposal of marriage. In her concert in San Luis, when he played his theme Single Ladies, Beyonce stops and enters one of his dancers and proposes marriage on stage to his girlfriend, another of the dancers of the artist. You think she will give him, Yes, I want??
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A Madrid firefighter risks his life to save a suicidal.
  upload date: 2016-09-07 thematic: Others
A police helicopter recorded this scene in the heart of Madrid, in the Puerta del Sol. A Romanian man of 37 years seeks to jump from the top of the building that houses the headquarters of Apple, former Hotel Paris. The brave performance of a firefighter prevents suicide jump, saving his life. Then we learned that the Romanian citizen is a habitual offender who has repeatedly stolen from the homes in the area. Now we doubt if he tried to jump or was stealing when he was caught is. The fireman all a hero.
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The Lego story.
  upload date: 2016-09-07 thematic: Others
A short excellent showing us how the illusion of some people in the pursuit of his dream, they manage to take forward a project as we know it today, Lego. His motto: Encourages children to explore, experience and express their own world, a world without limits. We are still convinced that only the best is good enough because children deserve the best.
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Great laser show with this girl in lingerie.
  upload date: 2016-07-15 thematic: Others
Really striking the spectacle that makes this girl with a laser ray. I m not sure how it does, or if your gloves have a role in the show, but this is something we had not seen before. An original and creative show, with a significant degree of synchronization.
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Portuguese child comforts a French fan after the final of the European Football Championship.
  upload date: 2016-07-12 thematic: Others
The video has gone viral on the Internet and has become the image of the European Football Championships. Portugal became champion by defeating France, the host, in the final. The joy of the Portuguese contrasts with the tears of this French fan, until a Portuguese child approaches to comfort him. The young Frenchman surprised ends up embracing the child. Then a TV station spoke with the child to know that he told his rival. Little he said he did not like to see people mourn, even if they are unknown and their words of encouragement were these: Its not just a party, although I understand how you feel, but a second place is not bad. Without doubt, an example of good citizenship for all those idiots who devoted themselves to fight and create conflict.
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TV presenter ends in emergencies performing a magic trick live.
  upload date: 2016-07-04 thematic: Others
TV presenter Marzena Rogalska, had to be taken to hospital to be injured during a magic trick that were performing live during their breakfast program. which it was not the intention of the magician, but it sure is going to do really famous after this demonstration.
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What would you do if you saw a 6 year old girl alone on the street? social experiment.
  upload date: 2016-06-28 thematic: Others
Unicef Spain has conducted this social experiment to see the reaction that people have two identical cases before, with the only difference of appearance or social situation of the person who needs our help. This 6 year old girl shown lost in the street and in a shopping center, observes the unfairness of human behavior.
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Sensational ball machine made with Lego.
  upload date: 2016-06-22 thematic: Others
It has been celebrated Japan Brickfest 2016, a fair where you can find all kinds of things related to Lego. There we find this curious construction of Lego NXT robotics created by a group of students. Really does nothing to put balls in motion, but youll be mesmerized watching her.
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Russian Hooligans training to choose more violent than go to Euro 2016.
  upload date: 2016-06-16 thematic: Others
This is how these animals are prepared and make your casting to choose the most violent to travel to support the Russian team in the European Football Championship in France. His sole intention is to fight against the ultras from other countries. I hope the UEFA fulfill its promise and thrown out of the Euro to the selections that violent supporters to end once and for all with these undesirable.
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Justin Bieber fight in Cleveland.
  upload date: 2016-06-10 thematic: Others
Apparently the kid that went to see the third game of the NBA Finals between Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors in the company of Lewis Hamilton. Later he decided to go to one of their usual party. with one of the cheerleaders of Cleveland. In the course he met a man who asked for an autograph and thats how the thing ended, fist.
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Would you dare to ask who you really are? Travels through your DNA.
  upload date: 2016-06-08 thematic: Others
Beautiful video that shows you how wrong you can be in your prejudices against other races or nationalities. Look at the surprise that these people take when they decide to find out who they really are. A trip through the DNA really discover where procedes.Un open world begins with an open mind.
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History mothers. Thomas Edison. Happy Mother s Day.
  upload date: 2016-05-02 thematic: Others
Great short film titled Thomas Edison - The son of Jane. This beautiful story reminds us of the importance that many mothers have had throughout history. To some extent, all mothers interpret a role as well for their children. They have probably never been sufficiently recognized or for their children, nor by history. Every day should be reminded how important they all are in our lives.
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Emotional story for Mother s Day.
  upload date: 2016-05-01 thematic: Others
For all mothers in the world. Today is Mother s Day in Spain and some other countries. On a date so important it should be for all, we want acercaros a very appropriate story for this day. Pay attention to what Marc Mero and tells us not forget that every day is Mother s Day, not just today. Next Sunday this special day is celebrated in many more countries and for them we dedicate this video. And a very special memory for all moms who are no longer with us.
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Touching reaction of an autistic child in a Coldplay concert.
  upload date: 2016-04-29 thematic: Others
This touching video has gone viral on the Internet. Noel Vazquez is a Mexican child with autism who has inherited his fathers love for music and especially groups such as U2 and Oasis. Coldplays visit to Mexico, Noel was shifted 300 kms to the concert with their parents. All the effort was worth it to see the tears of emotion the small and his father while listening to live the song Fix You. Noels parents decided to share the video on the Internet to show the world how they can be happy children with autism promoting things like. The video has reached the group Coldplay, who wrote on Twitter: This kind of thing makes it all worthwhile. Hi Luis and his precious son.
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This stalker in an elevator in China gets its comeuppance.
  upload date: 2016-04-29 thematic: Others
Apparently the elevators are some of the favorite stalkers to harass women and in some countries happen very often places. This happened in China and this woman reacts in a way that surprised the guy was stalking her. Maybe next time the stalker would think better before committing these acts.
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Funny mates in a basket hanging on a river.
  upload date: 2016-04-29 thematic: Others
Summer is coming and these young Slovenians have invented a new game for fun. You just have to hang a basket on a railroad bridge over a river. It is essential to wear a helmet with GoPro camera, so everyone can enjoy the spectacular images.
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A botched attack ISIS in Iraq seen in person.
  upload date: 2016-04-29 thematic: Others
Normally, ISIS propaganda shows heroic victories and major operations, but here is an example of the reality of their interventions. A group of jihadists in an armored vehicle in a home, unable to repel bullets during an attack on Kurdish soldiers. The scene is recorded with the camera installed in the hull of one of the jihadists, and looks so disorganized can see the situation that exists inside the vehicle in the middle of stress.
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A whole school shaves her head in solidarity with a student with cancer.
  upload date: 2016-04-19 thematic: Others
Marlee Pack is a little girl of 9 years of Colorado who have long waging a battle against a cancer that spreads its limbs. The harsh treatment made him lose his hair. Her best friend Cameron McLaughlin decided to shave his head to show his support and not to feel different. But it did not end there, seeing this, other classmates where Marlee goes every day decided to imitate the gesture. The board subsequently also joined the beautiful event, and finally all head shaved in support of Marlee and donated their hair to an organization that raises funds for childhood cancer research. Beautiful story.
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Spectacular special effects in Game of Thrones, Season 6.
  upload date: 2016-04-15 thematic: Others
Surely Game of Thrones is one of the most dramatic series in television history and confirmed its sixth season. A plot that keeps hooked millions of viewers around the world some amazing special effects that make the series even bigger bind. Drisfruta them.
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