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The world hates women. Why?
  upload date: 2014-08-14 thematic: Others
It really gives the sensation that the world hates women. Every day we see stories in the most diverse countries in the world where women are meeting or abused only by the fact of being a woman. How is it possible that this continue occurring, and to not be able to stop him? Discrimination, rape, murders. Why?
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Hard training break dance Simon Ata.
  upload date: 2014-08-13 thematic: Others
Ata Australian Simon is an expert in break dance. Note the intensive training as done to be fit in time to perform his show. Simon takes a few exercises of any elite gymnast. Muscles ache just seeing what it does.
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Homeless share food.
  upload date: 2014-08-13 thematic: Others
Sam Pepper makes a new social experiment to test the generosity of people towards the needy. On several occasions he approaches the table to order some food and it is always rejected. Decides to seek help from people who have the least and the result is surprising. In many cases the poor people are the ones who give more.
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Selfie every day for 7 years, from 12 to 19.
  upload date: 2014-08-12 thematic: Others
This guy decided to take a photo every day since I was 12 years old until age 19 For 7 years made ​​a selfie everyday. Now he has assembled all the photos in a video that lasts a minute and a half and shows the transformation it undergoes during adolescence.
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The first auditions of 40 cinema celebrities.
  upload date: 2014-08-11 thematic: Others
This video shows some auditions of 40 characters that are very famous today, but at that time were not and had to compete for the role in a movie with other people. It is fun to see how they have been changing as became popular. Di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus and many more.
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Amazing life lesson two homeless in a humiliating proposal.
  upload date: 2014-08-11 thematic: Others
You start to watch the video with the feeling that some stupid guys make a humiliating proposal two beggars. They face off in a competition for a prize of $ 100 for them is a treasure. What is not expected is the outcome of the story and the lesson they receive from these two people who have nothing. Again the most humble people show us that there is still hope that in the world.
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Santander in miniature. Timelapse.
  upload date: 2014-08-08 thematic: Others
Santander, Cantabria, Spain. A spectacular video of the beautiful city of Santander and its inhabitants with a miniature effect. Timelapse video shows some streets, the sea and the daily life of this seaside town in the North of Spain. A video more than Santander for this site. Select quality HD and watch the video in full screen.
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The best of July 2014. VideoMashup.
  upload date: 2014-08-07 thematic: Others
A great compilation that gathers some of the best times weve seen over the past month of July. This videoMashup meets all kinds of images of movies, music, sports and everyday activities, accompanied as always good music, this time Love me hate me, Ariana and the Rose.
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People who are saved in extremis.
  upload date: 2014-08-07 thematic: Others
A compilation of scenes showing people that we are saved by little from a tragic fate. There is no doubt that luck is decisive in every moment of life and survival of the tragedy is separated by a thin line. Either way we humans continually defying fate.
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Beautiful gestures in Russia helping the elderly.
  upload date: 2014-07-23 thematic: Others
Once again we bring you a video that makes it clear that in Russia not only these violent situations that often show us live. There are people who suppress their way to help those who need it most when they are in difficult situations. A good example to reflect and think that any of those people who have difficulty in any everyday situation, could be our parents or grandparents.
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Terrifying avalanche of rocks on a road in China.
  upload date: 2014-07-21 thematic: Others
This tremendous rockslide occurred about cars on a road in China last Saturday. Many personasque were in the car took too long to react and run for their lives. The landslide killed at least a dozen people and many were injured.
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Trick to cool inside the car in summer in a few seconds.
  upload date: 2014-07-17 thematic: Others
We ve all had those hot summer days where getting into the car is a real torture for the temperature is inside. When the air gets to do his job are already sweating. Well here we have a simple trick to lower the temperature in a few seconds. It is about opening a car window before we got to depues open and close the door on the opposite side with a certain energy. Just do it 5 times we can lower the temperature by about 10 degrees. If the process is repeated reversing car side effect even be higher.
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The homeless of the crazy moustache.
  upload date: 2014-07-14 thematic: Others
This beggar has an incredible ability to move the mustache, but never thought that this gift was going to provide such a joy grande.Tuvo lucky to be down the street with these guys who are dedicated to record videos of jokes and hang them on the internet. His mustache did not go unnoticed for them and he was rewarded for it.
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A firefighter revives a child of 3 years by the CPR.
  upload date: 2014-07-14 thematic: Others
The fire crew rescue a child gets 3 years had fallen within a narrow water well in China. The same rescuer who picked up the child from the bottom of the well has to apply the CPR or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation helping to bring the little one back to life. Marks for these heroes.
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Scare in Barcelona Airport.
  upload date: 2014-07-07 thematic: Others
On Saturday July 5, an Airbus 340 from Aerolineas Argentinas airport runway crosses the Prat in Barcelona, ​​while headed to their waiting point. The plane performed that maneuver just as he prepares to land on that runway a Boeing 767 from UTair Moscow, who is forced to abort landing at the last moment to avoid collision. The maneuver was about to cause a tragedy.
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The children gave him a new car to his excited father.
  upload date: 2014-07-05 thematic: Others
This family lives an exciting time when among all the brothers decide to surprise his father, giving him a new truck. Man can not hold back the tears when he realizes surprise.
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Best of June 2014. VideoMashup.
  upload date: 2014-07-03 thematic: Others
A great compilation of the best videos of April 2014. Videomashup This includes the highlights of the month including spectacular scenes with sports and all kinds of special situations, accompanied by the most beautiful women of the month and are good music.
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Great surprise at the wedding dance.
  upload date: 2014-06-30 thematic: Others
This was a great surprise for the bride and her wedding guests took. The groom and his friends prepared a magnificent choreography in dancing songs Beyonce and Bruno Mars, as well as Persian music. Dancing quedo genial, even though some of the players might just try, and that came from across the country.
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The first slap.
  upload date: 2014-06-25 thematic: Others
A few months ago we presented a video titled First Kiss, which experienced the strange reaction to that first contact. Now we bring you a parody of that experiment in which strangers are given their first slap. It can also be fun.
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Is life on Facebook as it seems?
  upload date: 2014-06-25 thematic: Others
Facebook can be depressing because the lives of others always seems much better than yours, but this is really so? This short he describes what sometimes happens and there qeu difference with what is published on the social network. Not all photos and opinions mean something as perfect as what they want.
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