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The Lord of the Rings: Let it Go Parody
  upload date: 2014-12-18 thematic: Others
Middle-earth melts Frozen in this parody created by Hillywood Show. Enjoy this version of the story of Lord of the Rings to the rhythm of the song Let it Go for the Frozen movie. The characters you wrap and spectacular effects make you live a new story. You will not be able to stop her.
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Best videos 2014 collected by Zapatou.
  upload date: 2014-12-17 thematic: Others
Here we leave this wonderful compilation with the best videos collected by Zapatou 2014, which as always published its annual summary. Enjoy some fun with this mix of fun, sports, videos and many more Unusual collected almost 7 minutes.
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Videos popular in Google in 2014.
  upload date: 2014-12-16 thematic: Others
Every year Google receives millions of hits on your browser. Here is a compilation with the videos received more searches by users. A good way to summarize the most prominent of a year in pictures.
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The big surprise of UPS to a 4-year-old boy. Carson meets his dream.
  upload date: 2014-12-11 thematic: Others
Carson is a 4 year old who has forged a strong friendship with Mr. Ernie, UPS postman. Carson received every day a special milk packages through the mail and was being fascinated by the work of his friend, hoping to one day make that special work. Every day you get impatient waiting Carson mail but does not expect UPS will have prepared a special surprise. Be the postman for a day and with his own truck.
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Wrap a gift quickly the Japanese style.
  upload date: 2014-12-11 thematic: Others
Christmas is coming and gifts, if you want to learn how to wrap a gift quickly and easily be sure to watch this video. So involve employees in a department store in Japan, the method is simple and the result is perfect. A good solution for a time of gifts.
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Number of fire in Brazilian TV, Fail.
  upload date: 2014-12-11 thematic: Others
This man was going to do a number with fire in a Brazilian TV program but things did not turn out as I had planned. The whole scene is a bit surreal with clowns, fire sirens and the presenter repeating that everything was fine.
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YouTube Rewind 2014. Summary of the year.
  upload date: 2014-12-10 thematic: Others
As usual every year at this time, friends of YouTube Rewind publish their video highlights of the year which contains an extract of the most viewed on Youtube. Here you will remember the most viral videos circulating on the Internet, accompanied all good music.
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Spectacular transparent frozen lake in Sweden.
  upload date: 2014-12-10 thematic: Others
This man is going to skate accompanied by their dogs at the Blanktjarn Lake, in the region of Jamtland, Northern Sweden. See ice so incredible that it covers waters. Its an ice 10 centimeters thick so transparent that it even allows to see the fish swimming below your feet.
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Spectacular christmas lights with music in a neighborhood.
  upload date: 2014-12-09 thematic: Others
Usually we see houses decorated with christmas lights going on and off in sync with the music, as on this occasion is a Full or neighborhood lights to the beat of the song Winter Wizard of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
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VideoMashup the best videos of November 2014.
  upload date: 2014-12-08 thematic: Others
Great compilation of images by TasteLikepizza in this videomashup with abstract November 2014. Scenes of events, movies and sports compiled tastefully accompanied by the song Share the Earth interpreted by Elephante Feat. Lyon Hart.
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The birth of a Damascus steel knife. Beautiful.
  upload date: 2014-12-07 thematic: Others
A video really hypnotic. Watch the process of creating a Damascus steel knife by a craftsman. The legendary Damascus steel was used in the Middle East to build swords from the years 1100-1700. It was very popular in Europe for its hardness. It is like the fictional valyrio steel so much talk in the Game of Thrones series. Today it is used in luxury knives. Notes with care and detail that the task is done.
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The Christmas Miracle of Westjet. Gifts in the Dominican Republic.
  upload date: 2014-12-03 thematic: Others
WestJet has come with their usual Christmas campaign. This time he has traveled to the Dominican Republic to brighten up the holidays to children and the elderly needy in this country. A cyber Santa score the wishes of the inhabitants of a humble neighborhood to try to bring the magic of Christmas to their homes.
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You thought you knew the fast cooking? Well look at this.
  upload date: 2014-12-03 thematic: Others
All the time we hear about the advantages and disadvantages of fast cooking, but I really think its fast? Look at this video and you can learn really fast kitchen. Besides the result looks very good. Rico and fast.
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The ghost towns of Pripyat and Chernobyl from a drone.
  upload date: 2014-12-02 thematic: Others
On April 26, 1986 was the worst accident in the history of the explosion of a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power. The emitted radiation was 500 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. Since most of the region is uninhabited. Now the journalist Danny Cooke decided to show his vision of the ghost town aerial images taken from a drone. Almost 30 years later is still perceived a haunting landscape.
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Incident at a funeral with a dove.
  upload date: 2014-12-01 thematic: Others
This man was saying a few words at a funeral and proceeded to release a white dove during the ceremony, which pays homage to the deceased, but it did not turn out as it was planned. Perhaps with too much emotion squeezed bird or threw so hard that disconcerted.
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Tribute to the late Roberto Gomez Bolanos, Chavo.
  upload date: 2014-11-29 thematic: Others
A memory for Roberto Gomez Bolaños, Chespirito. A genius of humor and comedy. One of the saddest days for Latin America bouncing the creator and star of Chavo del 8 or Chapulin Colorado, among others. The great Mexican actor died in Cancun. To be one of the characters that made happy many generations of young and old of all Spanish speaking countries. The genius will always be in our memories. Thanks for all the good times.
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Chasing Kayla. Extraordinary story of overcoming.
  upload date: 2014-11-28 thematic: Others
Kayla Montgomery was a normal girl, shy and loves sports. At one point in your life everything changes when you are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. After the initial shock decides to stay in the game and start practicing athletics. From there occurs its extraordinary history.
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Benetton campaign to stop violence against women.
  upload date: 2014-11-25 thematic: Others
Today November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and show you the amazing and powerful campaign by Benetton. Some men stoned a woman with rose petals. Collaborate to end this scourge affecting the world and fight for equal rights.
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Beautiful woman with leggings and hidden camera. Health message.
  upload date: 2014-11-23 thematic: Others
This woman with a nice body walks down the street with a hidden in his pants yoga camera. Everyone watches his step, white, black, young, old, Catholics, Mormons... This is a message for men about prostate cancer prevention. It consists say, look also your butt and not just mine. This cancer is the most lethal for men in USA second. If caught early survival is almost 100%. Watch your health.
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Universal Childrens Day. Children are not mini adults with mini rights.
  upload date: 2014-11-20 thematic: Others
Put yourself in the place of them. Respect their space, their personality and their rights. This share so that the Universal Childrens Day is a date in which we put in value the rights of children and together aware the entire society of the need to ensure their well-being and development. That every day is the Universal Childrens Day.
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